Thursday 1 July 2010

The Bionic Vet, BBC1

Turning over for the last 20 minutes of The Bionic Vet (BBC 1) I wasn't sure quite what I was going to be watching. An over-the-top Animal Hospital remake maybe? Instead we got Animal Hospital on surgically implanted metal paws. A heart-warming and fascinating programme about Dr Noel Fitzpatrick, a inspiring vet who performs miracles.

At his specialist clinic in Surrey we watched Dr Noel, a neuro-orthapedic surgeon, save the lives of Mayo the golden retriever and Oscar the black cat. But he does not save them the easy way. Owners visit Dr Noel when all hope looks to be gone and using technology, never before heard procedures and a slice of genius he saves them.

After arthritis left Mayo crippled in one paw Dr Noel implanted metal rods similar to those of Wolverine's from the X-Men films into Mayo's foot and built a metal frame and shoe. The idea is mad and never should have worked, especially when you see Dr Noel cutting up a human shoe and taping it to a base for Mayo to walk on. Yet it did work. Mayo's owner rejoiced as Mayo cautiously started to walk again and so did I. After only ten minutes I had fallen in love with Mayo the dog and the programme itself.

Next up was Oscar, a lovely black cat who had both his back paws ripped off by a combine harvester. Poor little Oscar looked lost dragging his bandaged legs around so in stepped Dr Noel. Whilst I could have lived without seeing the flesh peeled back from Oscar's mutilated leg it all seemed worth it when, on two new implanted paws Oscar (picture above) immediately started bouncing around. I think Dr Noel was close to tears and so was I. What makes this procedure more amazing is that it is the first operation of its kind in the world. Ground-breaking doesn't even come close.

Only briefly do they ever mention how much Dr Noel's work cost (we are led to believe very expensive even though no figures are mentioned). But seeing Mayo and Oscar up and walking again thanks to six metal spikes and artificial paws makes you think that it is worth every penny.

Picture from

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